LETS Walk is a non-traditional therapy approach that links the mind, body and spirit in healing and growth. Schedule and meet a licensed mental health professional on a variety of trail heads for an hour long walk-and-talk. We have trail-head recommendations in Northern Utah for beginners to advanced hikers. If you have a trail in mind that isn't listed let us know!
The Bio-Psycho-Social Model |
Bi-Lateral Stimulation |
The bio-psycho-social model is a method in assessing overall health an wellness. BIO- indicates the physiological well-being of a person. PSYCHO- indicates the mental and emotional well-being of a person. SOCIAL- indicates the well-being of a person's relationship and support needs. All three impact health and happiness. LETS Walk works to incorporate all three elements to promote overall well-being in your life.
Pioneered by EMDR therapists, bi-lateral stimulation is a process where both sides of the brain are activated through alternative prompts to the left and right sides of the body. EMDR research indicates bi-lateral stimulation allows the brain to implant deeper healing and insight. It has been found effective with trauma and anxiety disorders. LETS Walk utilizes the bi-lateral process of walking to augment the discussion on the trail.
Year Round Hiking Sessions
We aren't afraid of the cold if you aren't. LETS Walk means walking in the snow, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing. As always, be prepared with the right clothing, supplies and equipment. Utah has a wide range of weather, but that doesn't mean we stop doing the things that matter to us.